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Using the Virtual Machine Remote Console#

The remote console provides direct interaction (mouse/keyboard) with Virtual Machines.


Console Toolbar#

All toolbar options, except the Exit button, work as a toggle, switching between on/open or off/closed. For example: clicking the chat button opens the chat window, and clicking the button again closes the chat window. A button is orange when on/open; white when off/closed.

exiticon.png Exit#

Exits the console and returns to the previous screen.

expandconsole-icon.png Expand console#

Activates/deactivates the console's full-screen option (expand to entire browser tab)

virtkeyboard-icon.png Virtual Keyboard#

Provides a virtual keyboard on devices that do not have a physical keyboard (cellphones, tables, etc.)

dragview-icon.png Drag view port#

Alows moving the viewable portion of the console when the guest system screen exceeds the viewable area.

browserfullscreen-icon.png Toggle Browser Full Screen#

Activates/deactivates the browser's full-screen option.

eject-icon.png Change/Eject CD-ROM#

Toggles the view of the CD-ROM selection form, where an *.iso file is selected.

clipboard-icon.png Clipboard#

Opens the clipboard window where text can be placed to insert into the Virtual Machine. - The Close button will close the Clipboard window (can also be closed by clicking the Clipboard button again). - The Clear button clears current contents from the Clipboard. - The Paste in Console button pastes the Clipboard contents into the console at the current cursor position.


Wait until all contents have successfully pasted into the console before performing any other clipboard operations, typing, or moving cursor within the VM.

power-icon.png Power#

Opens/closes the power buttons window: - [Reset] - restarts the VM operating system; does not power down the virtual hardware. - [ACPI] - Power down (graceful) - [Kill] - Power down (ungraceful) - use as a last resort when guest OS is locked and graceful shutdown is not an option.

extrakeys-icon.png Extra Keys#

opens/closes the extra keys window, which allows simulating keyboard operations to the machine, such as: - [Ctrl-Alt-Del] - [Ctrl]* - [Alt]* - [Tab]* - [Esc]*

* Toggles on/off (When the button is orange simulates holding down the key.)


A full virtual keyboard option is also visible when using a mobile device, such as a cell phone or tablet

chat-icon.png Chat#

opens/closes the chat window where all users that are consoled into the virtual machine can share messages with each other.