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Port Mirroring#

Port mirroring replicates a network's traffic to a VM NIC, allowing packet analysis for monitoring or diagnostics.

To Configure Port Mirroring#

  1. Enable Port Mirroring in the network settings.

portmirrordropdown.png - Select North/South - to copy packets that traverse the network router. - Select East/West* - to copy packets that traverse the router AND all intra-network packets.

* East/West port mirroring is typically only recommended as a temporary setting for diagnostics purposes; using it for long durations can impact performance as it replicates all network traffic. {.is-warning}

  1. Click Submit to save the change.
  2. Click Restart on the left menu to boot the network.
  3. Create a VM that will be used for port analysis (or use an existing VM).
  4. Add a NIC to the VM:
    • In the Network field, select: NETWORKNAME_mirror.
    • Click Submit (bottom of page) to save.
  5. (Re)boot the VM.
  6. Operating system/application software of choice can be used in the VM for packet analysis.

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