Tracking Network Statistics#
Statistics tracking can be enabled for Accept, Drop, Reject and Translate rules. This allows viewing the total number of packets/bytes processed by a rule. (Currently, statistics cannot be tracked for Route rules.)
Turn on Statistics Tracking for All Non-routing Rules of a Network#
(requires a restart of the network)
- From the network dashboard, click Edit on the left menu.
- Check the Track Statistics For All Rules checkbox.
- Click Submit.
- Click Restart on the left menu to reset and apply the change. A typical restart will cause a momentary disruption.
See directions below for viewing the tracked statistics.
Turn on Statistics Tracking for Individual Rules#
- From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
- Double-click the desired rule.
- Check the Track Rule Statistics checkbox.
- Click Submit.
- Click Apply Rules on the left menu.
See directions below for viewing the tracked statistics.
Reset Counter/Clear Statistics for an Individual Rule#
- From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
- Click the desired rule to select.
- Verify the desired rule is selected (checkbox on the left will be checked.)
- Click Clear Statistics on the left menu. Packets/Bytes counters for this rule will restart again from zero.
Display Rule Statistics#
- From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
- Right-click on the columns heading section at the top.
- Check the boxes for Packets and/or Bytes to display these columns.
Enabling the "Statistics" column will show whether or not statistics tracking is enabled for each rule. {.is-success}