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Tracking Network Statistics#

Statistics tracking can be enabled for Accept, Drop, Reject and Translate rules. This allows viewing the total number of packets/bytes processed by a rule. Currently, statistics cannot be tracked for Route rules.

Enable Statistics Tracking for All Non-routing Rules of a Network#

Requires a restart of the network.

  1. From the network dashboard, click Edit on the left menu.
  2. Check the Track Statistics For All Rules checkbox.
  3. Click Submit.
  4. Click Restart on the left menu to reset and apply the change. A typical restart will cause a momentary disruption.

See directions below for viewing the tracked statistics.

Enable Statistics Tracking for Individual Rules#

  1. From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
  2. Double-click the desired rule.
  3. Check the Track Rule Statistics checkbox.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Apply Rules on the left menu.

See directions below for viewing the tracked statistics.

Reset Counter/Clear Statistics for an Individual Rule#

  1. From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
  2. Click the desired rule to select.
  3. Verify the desired rule is selected (checkbox on the left will be checked).
  4. Click Clear Statistics on the left menu. Packets/Bytes counters for this rule will restart again from zero.

Display Rule Statistics#

  1. From the network dashboard, click Rules on the left menu.
  2. Right-click on the columns heading section at the top.
  3. Check the boxes for Packets and/or Bytes to display these columns.

Show Statistics

Enabling the Statistics column will show if statistics tracking is enabled for each rule.