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Assigning External IP Addresses to Internal Networks#

External IP addresses can be assigned to internal networks. When an external IP is assigned, appropriate routing rules are created automatically.

Assign an External IP to an Internal Network#

  1. From the External Network Dashboard, click IP Addresses on the left menu.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Type field, select Virtual IP
  4. In the IP Address field, enter the public IP address.
  5. Enter the Hostname.
  6. Optionally, a Description can be entered to record additional administrative information.
  7. In the Owner Type dropdown list, select Network.
  8. In the Owner dropdown list, select the name of the internal network.
  9. Click Submit.
  10. While still on the External Network Dashboard, click Apply Rules on the left menu (to apply to the External Network).
  11. Navigate to the Internal Network Dashboard
  12. Click Apply Rules (to apply to the Internal Network).