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Site Survey#

The Site Survey is a doc that is provided by your Sales Rep or Customer Success team. This document is designed to gather information about your hardware and networking setup for the smoothest install possible.

Pre-Installation Checklist#

  • Bootable USB drive with VergeOS ISO using these instructions: Bootable Media
  • Encryption Key USB installed and ready (if enabling at-rest encryption)
  • Nodes powered up with ISO booted to VergeOS Install screen


  • Hardware burn-in complete
  • All Drives setup for JBOD, NO RAID
  • BIOS set to proper boot settings (Legacy / Dual / UEFI) UEFI required if all drives are NVMe
  • BIOS hardware assisted virtualization enabled
  • BIOS hyperthreading enabled
  • BIOS all processor cores enabled
  • BIOS clocks set correctly
  • Redundant Power supplies setup and connected (recommended)
  • IPMI ports patched and configured
  • IPMI setup / configured / tested
  • Latest IPMI firmware (recommended)
  • Test IPMI remote console capability (in case of incorrect licensing)


  • All switches online and tested
  • All cables patched
  • All VLANs configured (core - required, external - optional)
  • Each Core switch should be on a dedicated VLAN (ex 101 for core 1, 102 for core 2)
  • All switch ports configured (core and external)
  • External Bond ports setup correctly if bonding external (do not bond Core)
  • 2 NICs per node minimum and separate switches
  • Correct Supported SFP modules (if applicable)
  • Correct IPs validated and available
  • Correct Gateway IP tested/pingable