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How to Reset a Tenant Administrative Password#

If you need to change the administrative credentials for a tenant environment in your VergeOS system, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the VergeOS environment where the tenant is hosted.
  2. Navigate to the Tenant Dashboard of the tenant for which you need to change the admin password.
  3. In the Tenant Dashboard, click the Edit button in the left navigation menu. This will open the Tenant Edit screen.
  4. In the Tenant Edit screen, type the new password in the Admin User Password field.
  5. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Admin User Password field.
  6. After entering the same password in both fields, click Submit. If the passwords do not match, an error message will appear.
  7. After successfully updating the admin password, open a web browser and navigate to the tenant environment where the password was changed.
  8. Log in as the admin. The username will be admin and the password will be the new password you saved in step 6.

Document Information

  • Last Updated: 2024-08-29
  • vergeOS Version: 4.12.6