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Device Passthrough Advanced Configuration (Manual Creation/Editing of Resource Rules)#

Although allowing auto-generation of resource rules (e.g. when you select a device and use the Make Passthrough menu option) is easiest and usually recommended, there may be situations where it may be useful to manually create a resource rule or to modify an auto-generated resource rule.

It is important to read and be familiar with PCI Passthrough Risks and Precautions before making passthrough configurations.

Manually Create a New Resource Rule#

  1. From the main dashboard, click Resources.
  2. Click Rules (ui card or on the left menu).
  3. Click New on the left menu.
  4. Provide a Name for the Rule; it is recommended to use a descriptive name can be helpful in future administration.
  5. Select the Resource Group to which the resource rule will apply.
  6. Select a specific Node or select --None-- to apply the rule to all nodes.
  7. Select the Type (PCI, USB, SR-IOV, or NVIDIA vGPU).
  8. Leave the default value set to --None-- in the field labeled Automatically created based on PCI Device.
  9. Configure device filters as desired; filter fields will vary depending on the device type selected; see below. (Advanced Entry 1 option also available)

Information on installed PCI devices, for use in filters, you can use the PCI devices listing: from the Main Dashboard, navigate to the Resources -> PCI Devices. To show additional fields, right-click in the heading section to select from the full list of available columns that can be displayed.

Edit an Existing Resource Rule#

  1. Navigate to the Associated Resource Group dashboard (Main Dashboard > Resources > Groups > double-click the particular group).
  2. In the Rules section, locate and click the desired resource rule.
  3. Click Edit on the left menu.
  4. Node selection and PCI Filters can be modified as needed. (Advanced Entry 1 option also available)

  1. The Advanced Entry section allows you to manually input filter syntax rather than using the filter entry fields. Generally, it is preferable to allow system-generated syntax based on your filter field selections.