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How to Configure a VM Export Volume#

In VergeOS, you can create a volume specifically for exporting selected virtual machines (VMs). This export volume can then be used with third-party backup software to back up the VMs. The volume contains VM snapshots from the most recent export.

Steps to Configure a VM Export Volume#

1. Preparing the VMs for Export#

  1. Edit the VMs you want to export:
    • Navigate to the VM settings and enable the option for Allow Export.

2. Setting Up the NAS Service#

To host the VM export volume, you will need to create and configure a NAS service:

  1. Navigate to NAS > NAS Services.
  2. Click New.
  3. Provide Name, Hostname, TimeZone, and Networking for the NAS service.
  4. Click Submit to initialize the NAS service.

3. Starting the NAS Service#

Once the NAS service is created:

  1. Select the NAS service from the list.
  2. Click Power On to bring the NAS online and prepare it to host the export volume.

4. Creating a NAS User#

You’ll need to create a user to access the NAS:

  1. Navigate to NAS > NAS Services > The NAS Service you created.
  2. Click NAS Users > New.
  3. Provide a username and password.

5. Creating a New Volume for VM Export#

  1. Navigate to NAS > Volumes > New
  2. Provide a Name for the volume and choose VergeOS VM Export as the filesystem type.
  3. Select the appropriate NAS service to host the export volume.
  4. Make sure Quiesced is checked.
  5. Adjust the number of exports to store.
  6. Click Submit.

6. Starting the VM Export#

  1. Under Export VMs, select Start to initiate the VM export process.
  2. Confirm by clicking Yes at the prompt.

Setting up a CIFS Share for the Exported Data#

To access the exported VM snapshots, set up a CIFS share on the NAS volume:

  1. Create a CIFS Share: - Navigate to NAS > CIFS Shares > New. - Select the export volume you created earlier as the target volume. - Provide a Share Name and assign the NAS user you created in step 4 to access the share.

  2. Access the Share: - Browse to \\IPorDNSnameoftheNAS\CIFSShareYouCreated. - Use the NAS user credentials when prompted.

!!! note "For Windows Users" You may need to edit the Group Policy (GPO) or modify the Windows Registry to connect using the Guest account if Guest mode is enabled.

Automating the VM Export#

You can schedule regular exports by setting up an automated event:

  1. Navigate to the VM Export Volume.
  2. Select Events > New.
  3. Select *Scheduled as the Task Triggered by.
  4. Provide a Name for the task.
  5. Select VM Exports for section.
  6. Ensure VM Exports as the volume you created previously.
  7. Configure the event to trigger the export at your desired intervals.
  8. Click Submit

By following these steps, you'll have a properly configured VM export volume that can be used with third-party backup solutions, along with automated export scheduling.

Document Information

  • Last Updated: 2024-08-29
  • vergeOS Version: 4.12.6