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Terraform VergeIO Provider

The Terraform VergeIO Provider enables the integration and automation of VergeOS infrastructure with Terraform. It allows users to define, manage, and scale VergeOS resources as part of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) workflows.

For the latest provider documentation and examples, please refer to the following:

Example Usage

For more detailed usage examples, check the docs folder in the GitHub repository.

Example Configuration

provider "vergeio" {
  host     = "https://some_url_or_ip"
  username = "my_user"
  password = "my_password"
  insecure = false  # Use true if using self-signed SSL certificates

resource "vergeio_vm" "new_vm" {
  name        = "NEW VM"
  description = "NEW TF VM"
  enabled     = true
  os_family   = "linux"
  cpu_cores   = 4
  machine_type = "q35"
  ram         = 8192

Initializing and Applying

To apply the configuration:

terraform init && terraform apply

Configuration Reference

host (Required): URL or IP address for the VergeOS system or tenant.
username (Required): Username for the VergeOS system or tenant.
password (Required): Password for the provided username.
insecure (Optional): Set to true for systems using self-signed SSL certificates.


The following VergeOS resources can be managed via Terraform:


Data Sources

The following data sources are available for querying VergeOS resources:


Testing a Sample Configuration

To test your configuration, create a file in your Terraform workspace:

terraform {
  required_providers {
    vergeio = {
      source = "vergeio/cloud/vergeio"

provider "vergeio" {
  host     = "https://someURLorIP"
  username = "username"
  password = "password"

resource "vergeio_vm" "new_vm" {
  name        = "NEW VM"
  description = "NEW TF VM"
  enabled     = true
  os_family   = "linux"
  cpu_cores   = 4
  machine_type = "q35"
  ram         = 8192

Then, run the following command:

terraform init && terraform apply

Document Information

  • Last Updated: 2024-09-03
  • VergeOS Version: 4.12.6

API Helper Script

The yb-api helper script provides an easy way for developers to interact with the VergeOS API. It simplifies making API calls, such as retrieving virtual machines, updating configurations, and managing resources. This guide will outline the key commands and usage of the yb-api script.


  • Access to a VergeOS system.
  • Access to the cluster via SSH or direct connection.
  • wget and curl must be installed on the system for certain operations.

Running the Helper Script

To get help or view the available options, run:

yb-api --help

Connect to the node and execute this command to begin using the API helper.

yb-api Example

Example Commands

Below are examples of how to use yb-api for various VM management tasks.

Get a List of Virtual Machines (excluding snapshots)

Retrieve a list of VMs and filter out snapshots.

yb-api --get --user=admin --server= \
--fields='name,$key,ram,machine#status#status as machine_status' \
--filter='is_snapshot eq false' /v4/vms

Simple Dump of All VMs

This command retrieves a list of all VMs. The --server, --user, --filter, and --fields flags are optional in this case.

yb-api --get /v4/vms

Get Detailed VM Information

Retrieve most of the fields, including drive and NIC information, for a specific VM (VM 1 in this case).

yb-api --get --user=admin --server= \
--fields='most,machine[most,drives[most],nics[most]]' /v4/vms/1

Rename a Virtual Machine

Change the name of an existing virtual machine (VM 1) to "NEWNAME".

yb-api --put='{"name":"NEWNAME"}' --user=admin --server= /v4/vms/1

Delete a Virtual Machine

Delete a specific VM (VM 1), using its $key.

yb-api --delete --user=admin --server= \
--fields='name,$key,ram' /v4/vms/1

Create a New Virtual Machine

Create a new VM with specific configurations (name, CPU cores, RAM, etc.).

yb-api --post='{"name":"NEWVM","enabled":true,"description":"test vm",\
"os_family":"linux","cpu_cores":4,"ram":"8192"}' --user=admin \
--server= /v4/vms

Get the VM Database Table Schema

Retrieve the schema for the VMs database table.

yb-api --get --user=admin --server= '/v4/vms/$table'

Clone a Virtual Machine

Clone an existing VM (VM 1) and give it a new name.

yb-api --get --user=admin --server= '/v4/vm_actions' \
--post='{"vm":1, "action": "clone", "params": {"name": "NEW VM NAME"}}'

Power On a Virtual Machine

Power on an existing VM (VM 1).

yb-api --get --user=admin --server= '/v4/vm_actions' \
--post='{"vm":1, "action": "poweron"}'

Notes About yb-api

  • The yb-api script relies on wget, which may not be installed by default on macOS. Make sure to install it if necessary.
  • curl is used for the upload function in certain API calls, such as posting data to create new VMs.

By using the yb-api helper script, developers can simplify interaction with the VergeOS API and manage virtual machines more efficiently. Let us know if you need assistance with further commands or options.

Document Information

  • Last Updated: 2024-08-29
  • vergeOS Version: 4.12.6